Jack Benham
Marine Science/Biology
Title: Spatial Patterns of Bleaching and Growth in Acropora palmata
Research Supervisor: Diego Lirman-Kalwill, Ph.D.
Marine Science/Biology
Title: Spatial Patterns of Bleaching and Growth in Acropora palmata
Research Supervisor: Diego Lirman-Kalwill, Ph.D.
Marine Biology and Ecology
Title: The Effects of Magnesium Hydroxide on Photosynthesis, Respiration and Survival Rates Across Three Coral Species
Research Supervisor: Chris Langdon, Ph.D.
Marine Biology and Ecology
Title: Survivorship of A. cervicornis When Exposed to High Temp and High CO2
Research Supervisor: Chris Langdon, Ph.D.
Marine Science/Biology
Title: Assessing the thermotolerance of coral recruits fused in early settlement in three species of Caribbean corals
Research Supervisor: Andrew Baker, Ph.D.
Marine Biology and Ecology
Title: Comparitive Analyses of Potential Resilience in 63 Coral Patches from Apra Harbour, Guam Using CoralPatchSim
Research Supervisor: John McManus, Ph.D.
Marine Science/Biology
Title: Exploring the Uses of Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis to Quantify Organoleptic Sensory Data in Farm Raised Olive Flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus
Research Supervisor: John Stieglitz, Ph.D.
Marine Science/Biology
Title: Standardizing a Method for Using Peripheral Blood Smears to Estimate Leukocyte Count in Sharks
Research Supervisor: Liza Merly, Ph.D.
Marine Science/Biology
Title: The Effect of Life History Uncertainty on Rebuilding Times for the Northwest Scalloped Hammerhead Shark (Sphyrna lewini)
Research Supervisor: Elizabeth Babcock, Ph.D.
Marine Biology and Ecology
Title: Characterizing the Function of Casein Kinase 2 in Early Sea Urchin Development
Research Supervisor: Athula Wikramanayake, Ph.D.
Marine Science/Microbiology
Title: Metabolic Response to Hypoxia in Gulf Toadfish (Opsanus beta) by Ventilation Amplitude and Frequency
Research Supervisor: Martin Grosell, Ph.D.
Geological Science
Title: Exploring Tropical Marine Sediments for Geochemical and Mineralogical Evidence of Ichthyocarbonate
Research Supervisor: Amanda Oehlert, Ph.D.
Marine Science/Geological Science
Title: A Marine Record of Dust Deposition off the Cape Verde Islands, Africa on Interglacial-Glacial Time Scales
Research Supervisor: Larry Peterson, Ph.D.
Marine Science/Biology
Title: Impact of Human Activity on Foraminifera Assemblages in Indo-Pacific Island Nations
Research Supervisor: Alexander Humphreys, Ph.D.
Title: Evaluation of Over-Land Surface Winds in WRF Simulations of the Landfall of Hurricane Laura (2020)
Research Supervisor: David Nolan, Ph.D.
Marine Science/Chemistry
Title: Transformations of Dissolved Organic Carbon in the Atlantic Water Layer in the Artic Ocean
Research Supervisor: Dennis Hansell, Ph.D.